About Us

Our Mission

TV Santa Barbara (TVSB) is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization which operates two community access television channels, 17 and 71. TVSB’s mission is to empower people to make media that matters. TVSB does this by providing residents with the knowledge, resources, and tools to create their own original programming. TV Santa Barbara has served as the local media access center since 1975.

With studios at 329 S. Salinas Street, TVSB provides members with access to video production equipment and electronic media resources to facilitate public dialogue, free speech, and participatory democracy; to foster local creativity, education and culture; and to reflect our diverse and amazing community.


Our guiding values


Community Building

The sharing of ideas and information helps to build understanding and common values within a community. TVSB provides means for diverse communities to tell their stories, hear each other’s stories, and create new stories together. By providing virtual and physical spaces for individuals and organizations to come together, we create pathways to collaborate, to empower relationships, and to strengthen our community.




In contrast to commercial media, TVSB provides a welcoming environment within our local media ecosystem for expression of a variety of perspectives, viewpoints and beliefs, including those from underrepresented segments of the population. We embrace our community’s ability to share ideas.

TV Santa Barbara Guiding Values - Diversity



TVSB provides everyone in our community with access to media production technology for the creation, sharing, and consumption of knowledge and ideas. We offer services to all regardless of production experience, income, education, gender identity, ethnicity, physical ability, language, beliefs or any other characteristics.

TV Santa Barbara Guiding Values - Accessibility



Creativity is vital to the soul of the community and every individual. TVSB fosters a safe environment for the development and expression of ideas

TV Santa Barbara Guiding Values - Creativity



TVSB operates as a trusted community partner with integrity, open communication and practices.
