Carpinteria Planning Commission Presents Housing Element Update 2023-2031
JUNE 6 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — The Planning Commission discussed a presentation from Steve Goggia, Community Development Director, and John Douglas, Planner from JHD Planning LLC, regarding the City’s 2023-2031 Housing Element update. State law requires Housing Elements to be updated every eight years. Douglas identified the four most important themes in state housing element laws, which are to maintain and improve existing housing, plan for regional growth needs for all economic segments and housing types, minimize constraints to housing of all types, and affirmatively further fair housing. The due date for adoption of the sixth Housing Element update is February 15, 2023. For the remainder of this year, staff will seek broad participation from local stakeholders and organizations to “ensure that all points of view are taken into consideration in the development of City housing policy,” according to the Housing Element’s Staff Report. A “Hot Topics” page on the City of Carpinteria’s website has also been created to provide the latest updates on the Housing Element.
Pictured: John Douglas, Planner, JHD Planning LLC via Zoom